Les conférences publiques Charles Taylor 2019
Le Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en philosophie politique (GRIPP), en collaboration avec de nombreux partenaires dont le CRIDAQ, est fier de vous présenter la première édition des Conférences publiques Charles Taylors/Charles Taylor Lecture Series qui se dérouleront les 19 et 20 septembre prochain. Dans le cadre de cet événement, Philip Pettit, L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Human Values à l’Université Princeton, prononcera deux conférences publiques
Partie I: Persons: What marks off persons from other agents? Society, language, and narration
19 septembre, 2019, 16h-18h Local B-2325, 3200 Jean-Brillant, Université de Montréal
Among the many different accounts of personhood, that which links it with the activity of personation, as Hobbes called it, has a particular claim on our allegiance. It explains why we ascribe certain distinctive capacities to persons. And it enables us to vindicate the ways in which Charles Taylor connects being a person with interacting with others, operating within language and constructing a narrative of the self.
Partie II: Values: What ties personhood to having values? Autonomy respect and freedom
20 septembre, 2019, 16h-18h Faculty Club, Université McGill
Values are properties that are apt, like any desiderata, to trigger desire but are also fit in a special way to trigger it: they can vindicate as well as explain. It turns out that persons must treat various properties as values—deep values, as Charles Taylor puts it—if they are to personate. And it transpires in addition that they are constitutively required, in whatever cultural mode, to recognize the values of autonomy, respect and freedom.