Indictments, Myths, and Citizen Mobilization in Argentina

ARMONY, VICTOR: art38] et ARIEL ARMONY (2005), «~Indictments, Myths, and Citizen Mobilization in Argentina~», Latin American Politics and Society, vol. 47, no 4, p.27-54.Most accounts of the turmoil that shook Argentina in 2001–2 focused on the armful impact of the financial environment, imprudent policymaking, and institutional weaknesses. These explanations paid little attention to the cultural frames and cognitive patterns that underlie the connection between civil society and political society. Based on a discourse analysis of Internet forums and presidential speeches, this article argues that the Argentine crisis cannot be fully grasped without considering the link between collective behavior and ingrained conceptions of national identity. The analysis finds that national myths and definitional questions of national purpose are key factors in the way citizens behave in the context of an economic and political crisis.


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