Canadian Politics Fifth edition

The new fifth edition of Canadian Politics continues the work of earlier editions in offering a comprehensive introduction to Canadian government and politics by a widely recognized and highly respected group of political scientists writing about subjects on which they are acknowledged experts. Of the eighteen chapters, nine are completely new—three of these form a new Part IV: Canada in the World—and there are six new authors. The remaining chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated.


« This collection of incisive essays plumbs the precepts and principles that propel Canadian politics. Institutions, culture, processes, and Canada’s changing place in the world are subjected to high-quality examinations by authorities in their fields. The chapters will be of value to beginner and advanced students, enhancing their understanding of the language of Canadian politics. » – Nelson Wiseman, University of Toronto

James Bickerton is Professor of Political Science at St. Francis Xavier University. His publications include Nova Scotia, Ottawa, and the Politics of Regional Development, Ties That Bind: Parties and Voters in Canada (with Alain-G. Gagnon and Patrick J. Smith), and Freedom, Equality, Community: The Political Philosophy of Six Influential Canadians (with Stephen Brooks and Alain-G. Gagnon).

Alain-G. Gagnon: art4] holds the Canada Research Chair in Québec and Canadian Studies at the Université du Québec à Montréal. His most recent books include Québec: State and Society (third edition), Contemporary Canadian Federalism, and Canadian Parties in Transition (with A. Brian Tanguay), all with the University of Toronto Press, and with Routledge The Case for Multinational Federalism and Federal Democracies (with Michael Burgess).

Table of Contents:


Notes on Contributors

Part I: Citizenship, Identities, and Values

1. Understanding Canada’s Origins: Federalism, Multiculturalism, and the Will to Live Together, Samuel V. LaSelva
2. Citizenship, Communities, and Identity in Canada, Will Kymlicka
3. Canadian Political Culture, Stephen Brooks
4. Regions and Regionalism, James Bickerton & Alain-G. Gagnon

Part II: Institutions

5. Constitutional Politics, Roger Gibbins
6. Power at the Apex: Executive Dominance, Donald J. Savoie
7. Canada’s Minority Parliament, Jennifer Smith
8. The Dynamics of Canadian Federalism, Richard Simeon & Ian Robinson
9. The (Re)Emergence of Aboriginal Governments, Martin Papillon
10. The Judiciary and the Charter, Raymond Bazowski

Part III: Democracy and Representation

11. Reforming Representative Democracy: Taming the « Democratic Deficit », A. Brian Tanguay
12. Representation and Political Parties, William Cross
13. Are Interest Groups Useful or Harmful? Éric Montpetit
14. Women (Not) in Politics: Women’s Electoral Participation, Lisa Young
15. Diversity in Canadian Politics, Yasmeen Abu-Laban

Part IV: Canada in the World

16. Globalization and Canada, Mark R. Brawley
17. Canadian International Environmental Policy: Context and Directions, Peter J. Stoett
18. Redefining the Core Ingredients of Canadian Foreign Policy: Afghanistan as the Main Game, Andrew F. Cooper

Appendix: The Constitution Act, 1982


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