Aportes teórico-metodológicos para el estudio de la producción social de sentido a través del análisis del discurso presidencial
ARMONY, VICTOR: art38] (2005), «~Aportes teórico-metodológicos para el estudio de la producción social de sentido a través del análisis del discurso presidencial~», Revista Argentina de Sociología, vol. 3, no 4, p.32-54.This article presents a theoretical and methodological approach to the study of political signification. It aims at contributing to the debate on the role of presidential discourse in the construction of « ideological hegemony », as well as producing empirical data on current political discourses in Argentina. In our perspective, the analysis of lexical frequencies represents an entry point into the production of signification, because it allows us to observe regularities and correlations in the discursive flux. In the first section, we examine some key theoretical and methodological issues regarding the study of the presidential discourse. In the second section, we describe our « systematic and extensive » approach to textual analysis, using the example of a set of presidential speeches from several Latin American countries. In the third section, we develop a computer-aided analysis of President Nestor Kirchner’s vocabulary.
Texte intégral: http://armony.ca/victor/textes/armony%20ras%202005.pdf]