Fighting systemic discrimination : an overview of the Canadian legal framework (UNDETERRED project)
Report written as part of the Canadian Team involved in the UNDETERRED project (Unintentional discrimination detected and racism revealed and deactivated)
Rapport de recherche issu d’une conférence qui a eu lieu à Barcelone en février 2024 (Systemic discrimination and the Law: conceptualization and legal remedies).
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Abstract : Given the nature of the UNDETERRED project, which focuses on the importance to recognize (and identify ways to overcome) the systemic obstacles faced by young people from ethnic minorities in European Countries, and the importance of Quebec Law in the analytical work to be carried out by the Canadian team involved, the present report presents an overview of the national framework applicable to the protection of the right to equality in general, and the prohibition of systemic discrimination in particular. Focused on the current state of Canadian and Quebec law about the implementation of provisions protecting the right to equality (which places great emphasis on the appreciation of systemic barriers faced by members of a minority or otherwise disadvantaged groups within Canadian and Quebec society), the present report also offers a short summary of the main rulings relevant to the prohibition of systemic discrimination in Canadian Law.
Bolduc, B. et Lampron, L-P. (2024). Fighting systemic discrimination : an overview of the Canadian legal framework, report written as part of the Canadian Team involved in the UNDETERRED project (Unintentional discrimination detected and racism revealed and deactivated). National Report: Canada, 72 p.