New Targets, New Priorities? The Changing Nature of Gender in the Far Right

Vendredi 15 novembre 2024, dès 9h30

Atelier sur invitation seulement / By invitation only | L’activité se déroulera en anglais.

Far-right politics has gained momentum in many parts of the world, entering a “fourth wave” of mobilization in recent years. This wave is characterized by its increasing normalization and mainstreaming in wider society (Mudde 2019). During this fourth wave, various communities have been especially targeted and constructed as threatening, such as immigrants and Muslims, but also women and LGBTQI+ communities (Amery and Mondon 2024) – a phenomenon that has been less documented in studies of the far right. This gap is surprising considering that gender is no less fundamental to the far right than race, whether in terms of the promotion of traditionalist gender roles and norms, or support for male supremacist, misogynist and so-called “anti-gender” ideologies (Blee 2020). This workshop thus aims to continue and develop a conversation about the role of gender in the far right, paying particular attention to the growing visibility of attacks on women and LGBTQI+ rights and protections.

Fran Amery
, University of Bath
Alex DiBranco, Institute for Research on Male Supremacism
Audrey Gagnon, University of Ottawa
Celestine S. Kunkeler, University of Oslo
Marc Lafrance, Concordia University
Véronique Pronovost, Université du Québec à Montréal

Organisé par Audrey Gagnon, stagiaire postdoctorale au CRIDAQ (2023-2024). Pour toute question, veuillez lui écrire à l’adresse suivante:


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