Négocier et partager les pouvoir(s): Autonomie, reconnaissance et coopération
8e édition de l’Institut international d’été, co-organisé par le CRIDAQ et, notamment, l’EURAC Research.
L’Institut international de recherche est dirigé par Alain-G. Gagnon et Geneviève Nootens (CRIDAQ) et John McGarry (Centre for the Study of Democracy and Diversity (CSDD), Queen’s University).
The 8th edition of the International Summer Research Institute co-organized by CRIDAQ and the European Academy.
The International Summer Research Institute is led by Alain-G. Gagnon and Geneviève Nootens Interdisciplinary Research Center on Diversity and Democracy, CRIDAQ, UQAM) and John McGarry (Centre for the Study of Democracy and Diversity, Queen’s University).